
If you or someone around you is in an emergency situation, 不要犹豫,拨打911, or 校园 Safety at 303-871-3000 or ext. 1-3000,马上. 治疗非紧急疾病, 受伤, 或者心理健康危机, call the HCC Front Desk at 303-871-2205. Help is available any time — if it's after hours, just follow the prompts. 


Suicide affects millions of people each year. While there is no single cause of suicide, it most often occurs when stressors exceed the current coping abilities of someone suffering from a mental health condition. Fortunately, suicide is preventable, 和 everyone can play a role in suicide prevention. Underst和ing the issues concerning suicide 和 mental health is an important way to take part in suicide prevention, 在危机中帮助他人, 和 change the conversation around suicide. 

We believe suicide is not inevitable for anyone. 通过开始对话, 提供支持, 和 directing help to those who need it, we can prevent suicides 和 save lives. 

Learn how to start the conversation: Seize the Awkward

预防自杀 和 JED Foundation Partnership

The 新MG线上电子游戏 has joined JED 校园 in support of student well-being 和 mental health. The program is a nationwide initiative of 杰德新MG线上电子游戏(Jed Foundation) designed to help schools evaluate 和 strengthen their mental health, 物质滥用, 和 suicide prevention 项目 和 systems to ensure that schools have the strongest possible mental health safety nets. There are currently over 400 campuses engaged in the JED 校园 program. 

By joining JED 校园, DU demonstrates a commitment to the emotional well-being of its students. JED 校园es embark on a multi-year strategic collaboration that not only assesses 和 enhances the work that is already being done but also helps create positive, 持久的, systemic change in the campus community. The program provides schools with a framework for supporting student mental health, 以及评估工具, 反馈报告, 战略计划, 和 ongoing support from the JED Higher Education team. 

“The college years are the age when many mental health issues first manifest, 和 it can be a time of significant stress 和 pressure,约翰·麦克菲说, JED的首席执行官. “JED 校园 helps schools by working with them to survey everything their college or university is doing to support their students’ emotional health 和 find practical ways to augment these efforts in a comprehensive way. We believe that the implementation of a campus-wide approach to mental health will lead to safer, 更健康的社区, 和 likely greater student retention.” 

DU’s membership in JED 校园 begins with establishing an interdisciplinary, 全校小组评估, 支持和实施项目, 政策, 和 system improvements 和 completing a confidential, self-assessment survey on its mental health promotion, 物质使用, 自杀预防工作. 评估完成后, JED subject matter experts provide schools with a comprehensive feedback report identifying successes 和 opportunities for enhancements. Over the course of four years, DU will collaborate with JED to help implement enhancements. All self-assessment responses 和 反馈报告 are confidential.    




JED is a nonprofit that protects emotional health 和 prevents suicide for our nation’s teens 和 young adults. We’re partnering with high schools 和 colleges to strengthen their mental health, 物质滥用, 和 suicide prevention 项目 和 systems. We’re equipping teens 和 young adults with the skills 和 knowledge to help themselves 和 each other. We’re encouraging community awareness, underst和ing, 和 action for young adult mental health.